
Conversations through Covid-19 - How VCS can Help Lonely People Reconnect after Lockdown

Campaign to End Loneliness has released a report that sets out the hints, tips and tactics that organisations have found helpful in keeping people talking.

According to the Campaign to End Loneliness, organisations which support some of the UK’s loneliest people have an important role in helping people make and develop meaningful conversations following the pandemic.

The Campaign recently brought together more than 90 organisations who support people who feel isolated, and that support is often through volunteers making contact.

Conversations through Covid-19 is a review of what these charities, councils and social enterprises learnt from helping lonely people keep conversations going through lockdown.

The Campaign says that Loneliness can have a major impact on people’s mental health and wellbeing, and that helping people who are lonely keep up conversations is an important part of tackling loneliness.

The Campaign also advise the lessons learnt by charities, councils and social enterprises during the lockdown can make sure that volunteer callers and befrienders get the right support to help people who are isolated to keep up meaningful conversations now and in the future.

To read or download the report, visit the Campaign’s website.