
Funding Round-up – Business and Employment (part 3), April 2023

Here is a final collection of funding rounds from local and national organisations focusing on business and employment themes aimed at helping charities continue their work.

Whilst every effort has been made to provide up-to-date information, due to the varying nature and progress of public policies and other related activity, MVA do advise that some of the details below may have changed since the time of its issue and ask that readers please check with each organisation’s website for the latest news.

The Prince's Trust
Support is available to help young people to overcome barriers and get their lives back on track.

The Trust works with delivery partners across the UK to offer hundreds of free courses, grants and mentoring opportunities to inspire young people to build their confidence and start a career.

The Trust focuses its efforts on young people who:
  • Are long-term unemployed
  • Are in, or are leaving care
  • Struggle at school
  • Have been in trouble with the law
At the time of writing, there was no recognised date for enquiries, suggesting applications can be made at any time.

For more information, visit The Trust’s website.

Launching Soon - Rural England Prosperity Fund from UK Government
The Rural England Prosperity Fund will be allocated from April 2023, replacing the EU fund LEADER.

The funding is being delivered by Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra), with the aim of boosting economic growth in rural areas.

The fund is designed to provide grants to businesses and organisations in rural areas, with the aim of creating jobs and promoting economic growth.

Defra advises grants will be available for a range of projects, including business start-ups, infrastructure projects, and training and development programmes.

The call for Expression of Interest (EoI) and grants applications is due to launch in April 2023.

More information and how to apply can be found at the Government website.

Grants for Individuals from Thomas Wall Trust
Grants are available for supporting motivated adults living in the UK to undertake education and training that will increase their chances of employment.

Funding can be used to take on accredited vocational training up to level 3 and towards other costs associated with studying, which can include:
  • Child care
  • Travel and mobility costs, and
  • Accessible study materials)
The Trust advises that applicants should be unemployed for at least 6 months within the last 2 years.

At the time of writing, the scheme can be seen as a Continuous Rolling Programme, so there is no deadline and applications can be accepted at any time.

For more information, visit the Trust’s website.

If you would like to see coverage of specific funding or grant rounds to help your charity, your project, your community group or enterprise, you can get In touch by email at, you can also contact MVA via the website.