
Funding Round-up – Social Inclusion (Part 1), May 2023

Here is another series of funding rounds from local and national organisations that focus on social inclusion themes for the Voluntary Sector.

Due to the varying nature and progress of public policies and other related activity, MVA do advise that some of the information below may have changed since the time of its issue, and whilst every effort has been made to provide up-to-date details, they ask that readers please check with each organisation’s website for the latest news.

Kent Community Foundation - Priority Areas Route (Elderly & Isolated Adults)
Kent Community Foundation (KCF) continues to provide funding for local projects that address the challenges faced by elderly adults and support people to stay well, healthy and independent and, most importantly, combat social isolation.

Grants are available for projects that are working to support those most at risk of missing out, such as older carers, people affected by dementia, those living alone in isolated areas and those with very little financial support.

The deadline for this season is 31st May 2023, with further dates to be announced later this year.

For more information and how to apply, visit the KCF website.

Racial Equity Funding from Lloyds Bank Foundation
The Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales continues its call for applications for its Racial Equity funding for small and local charities that support and are led by ethnically diverse communities.

Relaunched recently, charities can apply for two-year unrestricted grants alongside development support under the funding.

The Foundation says they are looking to support charities where more than half of their Trustee Board are recognised as Black, Asian or minority ethnic, with an annual income of between £25,000 and £1 Million.

The Foundation are also interested in applicants with a strong track record of helping people from minority communities across 11 complex social issues (such as homelessness, trafficking and domestic abuse).

The deadline for this season is 5pm on 31st May 2023.

For more information and how to apply, visit the Foundation’s website.

Andy Thomson Foundation
Grants are available from the Andy Thomson Foundation for registered charities to support vulnerable people experiencing issues such as poverty, illness, disability, or substance abuse.

Grants can be used for one-off capital needs, or project-related running costs.

The Foundation is particularly interested in hearing from projects in the South-East.

At the time of writing, there was no identified deadline, suggesting applications would be accepted at any time.

More information can be found at the Foundation’s website.

If you would like to see coverage of specific funding or grant rounds to help your charity, your project, your community group or enterprise, you can get In touch by email at, you can also contact MVA via the website.