
Funding Round-up – Social Inclusion (Part 5), June 2023

Here is another series of funding rounds from local and national organisations that focus on social inclusion themes for the Voluntary Sector.

Due to the varying nature and progress of public policies and other related activity, MVA do advise that some of the information below may have changed since the time of its issue, and whilst every effort has been made to provide up-to-date details, they ask that readers please check with each organisation’s website for the latest news.

Grassroots Carers Respite Fund (Individuals)
Small grants are available for adults caring for one or more individuals over the age of 18, who are seeking a break from their long-term caring responsibilities.

Administered by Kent Community Foundation (KCF), the Fund will consider requests for various forms of respite including short holidays, weekend breaks, pamper days and day trips.

This is a Continuous Rolling Programme, which means there is no deadline and applications can be submitted at any time.

More details and how to apply can be found at the KCF website.

Kent Community Foundation - Priority Areas Route (Vulnerable Adults)
Kent Community Foundation (KCF) continues to provide funding for projects that help vulnerable adults stay well and independent, with a focus on early intervention projects to tackle disadvantage, deprivation, and social exclusion.

Grants are available for projects that:
  • Work to give vulnerable people the opportunity to socialise with others
  • Provide life skills and work experience for adults with learning difficulties, physical disabilities, or mental health issues
  • Protect and support victims of abuse
  • Integrate marginalised groups into the wider community, or
  • Support carers who look after family members or loved ones at home
The deadline for this season is 31st August 2023, with further dates to be announced later this year.

For more information and how to apply, visit the KCF website.

Later Life Inclusion grants from Masonic Charitable Foundation
The Foundation has been providing grants to charities that support disadvantaged and vulnerable older people over 50 years of age.

Funding from the Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF) is intended to help those who face social isolation or loneliness due to reasons such as financial hardship, care responsibilities, a decline in physical or mental health, or life transitions which may include retirement or bereavement.

Small grants of between £500 and £15,000 and large grant, starting from £10,000 are available to charities and similar groups (depending on their annual income level) and could be used for general running, overhead costs of the charity, or core funding.

At the time of writing, there was no identified deadline, suggesting the scheme is a Continuous Rolling Programme and applications could be accepted at any time.

For more details, visit the MCF website.

If you would like to see coverage of specific funding or grant rounds to help your charity, your project, your community group or enterprise, you can get In touch by email at, you can also contact MVA via the website.