
Getting on Board Festival of Trusteeship, Autumn 2023

The Festival of Trusteeship, from the organisation Getting on Board, takes place between the 6th and 10th November 2023, covering lots of different aspects to trusteeship and governance.

Getting on Board is a charity that supports people from all sectors of society to become charity board trustees, and for charities to recruit and retain a diverse range of trustees.

National groups have been associated with Getting on Board in the past, such as membership body NAVCA who they worked with at the NAVCA conference earlier this year.

With a programme of packed events for trustees or anyone who works with charity boards, The Festival of Trusteeship takes place between the 6th and 10th November 2023.

The organisers advise the events cover lots of different aspects of governance, and there is something for everyone.

To find out more about the Festival, or to book your place, visit the Getting on Board website.