
The benefits of Volunteers and Volunteering

National newscaster Charity Digital look at the benefits of volunteering, the recruitment and care of volunteers, the importance of effective volunteer management, and the range of volunteering work.

Giving your skills, your expertise, and your time to benefit others and the community: that is a basic definition of volunteering.

Nowadays, we all have busy lives, and finding time to volunteer can be hard. But the benefits of volunteering can be so worthwhile, as it provides help to those in need, delivers help to worthwhile causes, and to community.

The benefits can be even greater for the volunteer too.

If a volunteer finds the right match, it can help them make new friends and help them to connect with the community. They can learn new skills, and even advance their career.

There is also the well-being aspect, as volunteering can also help protect their mental and physical health. It can reduce stress, combat depression, keep a volunteer mentally stimulated: And provide a sense of purpose.

Volunteering also benefits the charity .

Sometimes, volunteers can have skills not available in-house, and by making use of that expertise a charity could deliver additional services or programs which they may not have been able to provide beforehand.

Volunteers have that potential to reach out to parts of community which the charity may not have been able to in the past, offering greater opportunities for social inclusion.

With a volunteer’s potential range of skills, experience, and knowledge, they can provide a refreshing incite to a charity’s cause, allowing them to adapt, develop and stay relevant to what their beneficiaries and community need.

A charity’s reputation could also gain trust within community where it is seen to, say, offer opportunity for someone to gain work experience through volunteering for that person’s future employment prospects or better their career.

However, charities do have to invest in supporting volunteering for this to work effectively, and this is where good volunteer management is important not just to benefit the volunteer, but for the given charity too.

Compiling some of the best resources, including websites that provide great volunteering opportunities, newscaster Charity Digital offer a guide exploring the benefits of volunteering, recruitment, and other aspects related to volunteering.

From the benefits of volunteering for both volunteers and charities, to the importance of volunteer management, they explore various aspects of volunteering to inform and help both volunteers and charities alike.

To read the guide, visit the Charity Digital website.